The Glass is Half Full

Unless you live under a rock or in Zimbabwe or something, you would have probably heard the biggest headline article this week concerning the Indian Elections. It was a pretty big occasion and was fittingly hyped to that level. But that was before the counting process and after the voting booth selfies. Then the results came in and the hype broke all barriers. It was like Slumdog Millionaire all over again but of course with some fundamental differences. One can be characterized as a controversial and shockingly realistic story of success and the other one was Slumdog Millionaire. The election fiasco probably got a lot more popularity mainly because there was no Frieda Pinto type of character in that story.( If you’re thinking Mayawati, then you need serious therapy )

India has always had this reputation of pulling a rabbit out of the hat. They run their own political thriller drama and call it Politics. We have the imported lead characters from Italy. We have the underdog who cannot get a US visa, maybe because he pronounces it ‘Bheesa’. We have comic relief from both highly educated people like Arvind Kejriwal and also from those who use a calculator to count their fingers, like Rahul Gandhi. Adding all these elements up, you would have no doubt that the underdog would have emerged victorious in the Lok Sabha Elections this year. You may know that every character in a story has a number of haters and a number of followers. The love-hate arguments they have eventually lead to the popularization of that character. I am not the biggest fan of Narendra Modi but since the milk is already spilt, I’m going to try and take out some positives from this situation for those who are like me.

I wasn’t familiar with that many people who were aware of the happenings of Indian politics before our trusty tea vendor came into the picture. I didn’t pay attention to politics either and honestly, was quite ignorant of it. I don’t know if college kicked in or mob mentality did but, I started watching political debates and reading articles in the paper. Such may be the case of a large population of the Indian mid 20s crowd. This is a major advancement in terms of overall awareness considering that most people didn’t give two shits about Pranab Mukherjee or Prathiba Patil being president. To be honest, I’m pretty sure their own families didn’t take out more than 10 minutes to congratulate them either. Abhijeet Mukherjee looks like he still doesn’t know what a president is and the location of Pratibha Patil is almost unknown now. Well, at least she isn’t using tax payer’s money to abscond to an exotic location anymore. Getting back to the point, I’m happy that Agent Dandiya helped a larger population be aware on the political drama. It is pretty hard to get 20 year olds in college to agree or follow someone who orchestrated mass riots and indirectly killed thousands believes in this dry state concept. Ridiculous

I would not want to go into awful stereotypes of how muslim extremists are the sole cause of terrorism related activities but then again, they are stereotypes for a reason. At the very least, one may be able to find a tiny positive out of the 2002 communal riots. Let’s say you are a member of the Lashkar E Taliba and you want to carry out your quota of regular bloodshed. You proceed to go look for a nice beautiful and populated place you can annihilate happily. Excluding regular distractions from weird shit like goats or whatever they do for fun in the Middle East, how would a terrorist go about figuring out his Modus Operandi? He would first eliminate all the places which he cannot bomb and hopefully, with a Hindu extremist leader in control of the country, India will find its way onto that list. Who in their right minds would want to screw with a Hindu extremist with a colorful history of indirectly killing Muslims? Exactly.

Following politics isn’t something which widely resonant in the country, but political jibing and complaining is more common than the number of engineering students here, which is saying a lot. When India’s arguably best economist was handed the position of Prime Minister and the rupee still sank to new lows, you might find yourself at a loss of words. Expectations soar higher with every new line in your CV. Narendra Modi is what someone may call, street smart. He will find his way around things through any means possible and not give a damn about the path he takes, but that seems like a glamorous portfolio only until you are thrown under the bus by the government.  Concentrating on the brighter note, with the massive margin he won in the Elections, it would be safe to assume that he has the joint approval of a vast majority in India.  This would imply that, most of the voters would be in whole hearted support of his future decisions, even if it is borderline hypocrisy at some point of time. Then again, hypocrisy is seen as a lesser crime than freedom of opinion so we’re in the green here. India will continue giving their support for the new prime minister and as citizenry of democracy, that counts for a lot.

The biggest boon this election campaign brought us was the disintegration of the Congress party. It’s funny how it took this long though. There will be no more of Kapil Sibal and his eyebrows babbling nonsense on live television. There will be no more of Dr. Subramanian Swamy acting like a stuck up 15 year old Hindutva supporter. Although I feel bad for Manmohan Singh, I’m happy he’s ridden of his duties to the Italian estrogen bomb called Rahul Gandhi. Our daily quota of slapstick entertainment will come to a standstill without Rahul Gandhi doing monkey antics on live television. Sanjay Jha will fill in for Rahul Gandhi in this, mainly because his bills are paid by stupid statements and Arnab Goswami’s anger. We have escaped diving deeper into a forest fire but we haven’t extinguished the flames completely. With the rupee gaining a tiny amount of credibility over the days, the overall situation has begun to show some hope. So here’s to moving one step forward and not having to fall another 2 steps back.

The World Wide Weird

I’ve reached that stage where all the thoughts in my head are stagnant. All resources have been allocated to fill that extra requirement during this turbulent period of the semester. It’s finals week. Naturally then, due to the herculean task of completing the entire semesters syllabus in 24 hours, I have not been able to come up with a very appealing and offensive blog. Either that or, I just haven’t tried harder. However, keeping up with the traditions of the exams, I can never use that excuse. Ever.

So this week, I’m going to just write something off the top of my head in an attempt to sound like a less like a whining student who is trying hard to save his grades and sound more like a whining student who is trying real hard to write a blog. Examinations usually have a plethora of implications and one of them involves the rapid overhaul of your priorities. You can suddenly be interested in YouTube videos on how one can become an expert in talking to Giraffes or you can spiral down into deep epiphanies about life after looking at that funky insect on the ceiling. I know because I battle these priority wars every time during exams.

Obviously I cannot keep talking about these things you are already familiar with, so I’m going to make an attempt at those countdown things you seem to keep seeing everywhere. You know, those “25 reasons why you’re a loser” and those “15 of the most desirable cupcakes” stuff. You will be wondering how that is in any way coherent with what I was whining about in the above 2 paragraphs. Let me explain.

There are only a finite number of times a guy can update his facebook status before he is referred to as the Kim Kardashian of the internet. Although that seems like a glamorous title in hindsight, I felt it was stupid to keep posting the links of all the stupid shit I’ve seen along these years on the internet. So here’s a list of the 5 craziest/weirdest things I’ve come across on the internet. Mostly during exams.

(I’ve excluded anything political. Because this is a Top 5 list. Not Top 105471)


The first of the weirdest things is a video about a south Indian hypnotism center which mainly practices the ancient art of fooling you into thinking what they want. I understand your confusion when you think I’m just talking about some temple but this is way worse. Indians may not have really caught onto the concept of hypnotism and subconscious mind access techniques but we have been proficient in the art of over acting. Just see Salman Khan. The fact that he’s parading around calling himself an actor is a testament to how you can become successful just by pretending that you’re good at something, provided you have the appropriate audience. Ok, cutting to the chase here : This is a video about some guy who apparently uses faith healing and some hypnosis things to help people out. I have no clue how that works but to be fair, I have no clue about most things in this article. Here’s the link –

Aside from the fact that there were actually consenting volunteers to this event, we must acknowledge the true Indians who made their guest appearance in this. Notice the large amount of female turn up for this event? That is the prime motivation of 80-90% of the male crowd in that event. Let me show you these few clippings from the video.


Did you notice how this lady is seemingly entranced by the FIRE FIRE FIRE ?

Yes, so did this young lad. He traverses long paths and tough terrains such as that gyrating 50 year old on the floor to reach out and try his luck with the woman here.


Indians in a nutshell.


Did you really think I would write an article about the weirdest things I’ve come across and not mention India TV?

If weirdness had an SI Unit, It would be India TV.

India TV is what Rahul Gandhi’s thoughts look like when he is in to Class A drugs.

The only thing worse than India TV’s journalism is the Pakistani cricket team’s english.

India TV is so desperate for a news story that they had Rajat Sharma sent to Comedy Nights with Kapil.

Comedy Nights with Kapil is so dry and pointless now, that they had some India TV journalist on their show.

Ok, I think that’s enough of the bad jokes. I’m sure all of you are aware of the downright stupid news flashes done by India TV. If you don’t, you should check the best of the lot. (or)

.. I don’t even know what to say after this. How desperate for news stories do you have to be that you draw out a footprint in a village yourself (ONE FOOTPRINT BECAUSE THIS PREDATOR IS APPARENTLY HOPPING HIS WAY TO WORLD DOMINATION) and get random people to share their thoughts on it. I’m sure the guy speaking English in that video made an Illuminati reference. He used some words that the reporter may not have understood and hence the cut to the guy who says – Arre apun ko samajh aa gayela hai medem.




On a lighter note, you can always look to India TV to provide you heart-warming happy stories when the nation is in distress. They will be the ones reporting about pigeons outside of the Taj after 26/11. No seriously, look. They’ve done that shit


I know you all would have been expecting atleast one video about a weird fellow dancing to a bad song in a funny way. I know all of you would have already seen Silsila and Raasathi so that would seemingly have me left in a dilemma to find something else. Luckily for me, the Internet is a place dark and full of terrors. There is never a shortage of weird material. It was hard enough for me to constraint this list to 5. So here is the link to this Iranian song called Bia to Ghulbam. (or)

Apart from the fact that the guy looks like an autistic Mithun Chakraborthy got diabetes, the part that intrigued me the most was when they had to use a green screen to put him inside a disco. I do not know if there are disco’s in Iran but I’m pretty sure these people don’t need flashing lights and music to have a blast. They have weapons grade Uranium for that. I also do not know if any of those girls lived after showing so much of their face but let’s not get into discussions about the cultural implications of a video with a shiny transsexual and his weird female sidekicks. We, as a society haven’t dropped our standards that low since agreeing to release 5 twilight movies.


This list has effectively transcended into the glorified weird side of youtube. A side discovered only when you actually have stuff to do and things to complete. This side is populated with the weirdest of the weird videos. I assure you, you can take any video and sample it every 5 seconds and find no coherence whatsoever between samples. My absolute favorite amongst the weird youtube videos is this one. (or)

I never thought I’d see a video about surreal bovine choreography. I never even thought those words went together, they effectively mean “awesome cows dance”.  The thesaurus has been manipulated to make that sound like a legitimate project. The name of the producer of this video is Cyriak and if you thought this video was weird, you should see his other works. Especially Baaa


If you’re a 90’s kid, you would remember the hit song by Abba as performed by the A* Teens called Dancing Queen. Mostly because it played around 600 times between nickelodeon tv shows and it was amazingly catchy. This video is by far the funniest video I have seen in a long time. Mainly because of the comments on YouTube it got. (or)

I assume you’re reading this after watching the video? Good because I would make a few revelations that would blow your mind. Okay, actually just the one. The dancing queen in the video is actually a man.

There is a man named Christopher who makes a living out of dancing for billboard hit songs in an Alice In Wonderland costume along with passive elements attached to sticks. I do not know what kind of career counseling he went to, to get inspired for that. The YouTube comments on this made my day. Here are some of them :

“This is what will meet you at the gates of hell” ; “This is a man. I’m going home now”

That’s it for this list. Expect more weird lists coming out because I still have a year left of college.